Thursday, July 23, 2015

It starts

It's a great day to blog!

OK so here goes, to all the mommies that have experienced LABOR...
I feel for the c-section mommas, they get split open plus bleed for 40 days! DAMN! Well I was lucky enough to have my babies vaginally, but an episiotomy isn't fun either. My active labor was fairly easy but  painful, duhhhh it's called LABOR for a reason. I find it very funny when I hear women say they never imagines it would hurt... 😨😲really... really... damn ladies, what did you think it would feel like? I am always so surprised when I hear these conversations, who have they been talking to? What is that saying "hope for the best, but expect the worse"? Something like that.
Have you guys ever seem, "what to expect when you're expecting"?  Well if you have, remember the part that she has to speak at the baby expo, well yes most of that is all true.
I have herd some horror stories about labor too, and wow these ladies are so strong.
I herd some ladies are left with not so fun side effects, like they pee when they sneeze or laugh or do anything heavy? That your feet sometimes grow a half a size to a size . OK see that one I was left with, so I have to buy the whole size instead of the the half .
Recently we watched a documentary and I could not even finish watching it. I had to get up and leave the room, I was in tears. How can a mother keep getting high while pregnant,  those poor babies suffer so much, they are in so much pain. It was just heart breaking, but people will do what they want to do. No one is perfect.
A happy baby is worth all the pain

   Momma -V

Thursday, July 16, 2015

My boy

It's a great day to blog

Well I have a toddler boy, and I must say I am completely and utterly in love with him. I never knew I could love a little boy so much, he completes our little family, even thought he sometimes bugs his sister 😄
We do have a large extended family, we let both our children play with whatever toy they want, rather it be a "boy" toy or a "girl" toy. Our daughter of course has baby dolls, and one day he grabbed one and started cuddling it and calling it his baby. So from then on we let him play with it and his sister was so kind that she actually said he could have it ❤
We have gone on family outing where he takes his baby with him. We get the weirdest looks ever, especially from men, the worst one was the younger gentleman was disgusted that we allowed our son to go out with a girls toy... my jaw dropped and I honestly didn't know what to say, which is weird. Of course once I got to my car I had a great come back. I never have told my husband about this incident, for the fear of him going crazy. When we are with family Why is it so bad? What will a girl toy do to him? He mirrors what he sees. We are very hands one parents and show our kids that we love them but hugging and kissing them. No matter what my children grow up to be I will always love them. I greatest fear for them is that they will struggle, I never want my children to struggle to be who they are. God has blessed me with two beautiful children <- yes I went there. 
Love your kids, hug and kiss them whenever you can ❤ teach them to be accepting of others. Start them off young.
-Momma V

Saturday, July 4, 2015

We all have an IT

It's a great day to blog!

So a couple years ago my family almost came crashing down. We went through a very hard time, it really isn't something you wish on your worse enemy. Haha (not really haha funny) because now I have an enemy. I could have gone my whole life never seeing this horrible person again, to me that isn't a person anymore,  a person would never do this because a person has feelings and morals, so it's just call the person a thing or it. Well at least seeing it, would have been easier 5 years from now...
But life moves on. Unfortunately where we live is small and you are always bound to run into someone you don't really want to see. I have to live my life for my family.
Yesterday was the day, thay I came face to face with IT.  Yup and my heart felt frozen.  I hurried and went in a different direction because I was not about to have IT come try and talk to me while I was with my child. I dropped my child off and went directly to my car, thank God for the unlock buttons. I sat there and felt like I couldn't breathe I started to panic, how can IT still have this power over me, this ordeal was 2 years ago and it was all lies, because misery loves company right?!...
I guess even though our family is on the right track the wounds are still healing.
My dialed my husband right after I got in my car, but of course his phone sent me to voice mail (our signal sucks at home) so I did the next best thing, I called my sister.
I am so happy I have such a great support system. When I got home I ran to my husband crying, he thought something horrible had happened. He made me laugh after I told him what happened, he asked me if IT looked haggard? Yes IT did so he told me that I should take joy that I look good and that a wonderful family, while IT has nothing real, since IT ruins everything IT touches.
I have to remind myself that I could have lost it all, and how blessed I am to have so much love and support in my life.
So everyone please look at the positive things in your life and try and hold on to that feeling in the hard times. We all have an IT... and no matter what we will have to face our IT at one point of our lives, and I hope it gets easier.

- momma V