Friday, August 7, 2015

New chapter

It's a great day to blog.

A new school year is upon us. Some are just starting, some are finishing,  and some are starting new with their own children.
Whatever you may be doing, I hope this school year is a wonderful one.
As for my little family, we are starting new. I guess it's a big a event, it's the start of our child's academic career. I would like my child to start on the right foot. I will try my hardest to make that happen. I am scared of this new chapter, I am not very good anymore at meeting new people, I do not trust easily anymore. I blame my children for all this, since the moment I had my babies I have become this over protective, afraid of world women... I have tried many times to just break out of this, but I just send myself into a full blow panic attack... This new me sometimes drives my husband crazy, he says I use to be so free and open. Can you blame me? Yes it is so stupid to be afraid of the world, no matter what there will always be bad people.
It's a work in progress I guess.
I have also recently learned, I am not a very good team mom, my oldest was in a summer sport, and at the end they would play against eachother. My child was not the best and I wanted to yell and tell my child what to do... yeah I get way to competitive,oops hahhaha.
Anyhow back to school talk,
is it just me or, does every parent like to buy new supplies? It takes me back to when I was in school, I use to love opening up new supplies, or taking the stickers off of new things. OK let's be honest, I STILL DO!
OK so school hasn't even started and I am already worrier about making mommy friends. I hope I can make all those cute lunches I have been pinning too. Mind over matter, right?!
Have a wonderful school year everyone.

Shout out to the awesome fun you tube channel I watch.
Tryal by fyre. Go follow them!
Please keep reading my little blog, and thank you for all your support. Share share share ❤
Momma V